Monday, October 29, 2012

"As I Urged You"

STAYING THE COURSE: 1 Timothy 1:3-4

"As I urged you when I was going to Macedonia, remain at Ephesus so that you may charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine, nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies, which promote speculations rather than the stewardship from God that is by faith."

In journalism, I am told, one always leads the story with the most important piece, first. On the same principle, Paul wants to get his instruction to Timothy right on out on the table, first thing: Stay in Ephesus!

Tradition, perhaps informed by this passage, tells us that Timothy was the first settled overseer, or bishop, of the Church in that town. Ephesus was an important site in the Greco-Roman world: ruins of the library of Ephesus, one of the major research centers, remain to this day; it was also the center of the cult of Artemis (compare Diana). At the time, it was also a major port on the western coast of Roman Asia, and a small metropolis -- all belied by the relatively insignificant Turkish town (Efes) which is today's successor to the ancient city.

Research site, crossroads, cultic center, urban zone: Ephesus was a place of influence; indeed, a place whose reputation and influence went far and wide in the ancient world. It was a strategic center for Christian witness.

At the same time, it was probably not an easy place to serve. Paul was subjected to riot and abuse there, when the tradesmen found their idol-making dealerships threatened. If the tradition is true that Timothy ultimately suffered martyrdom at the hands of the pagan priests, he and the Christian community there were likely subjected to attempts at threat and intimidation long before it came to that. Little wonder, then, Timothy was subject to "frequent ailments", brought on either by rigorous fasting with prayer, or by stress!

Did Timothy want to leave Ephesus? Hard to say. Perhaps he desired an easier, or more fruitful, venue for service. Maybe he just missed his friend and mentor, Paul. Perhaps hard work brought discouragement, frustration, and depression -- what we today call "burnout". Or maybe Paul is just emphasizing the importance of the mission to Ephesus. Whatever the case, Timothy was God's man -- and the apostolic representative -- for that place at that time. He was called to "stay the course".

Where are the strategic places in the world today where Christian witness is hard, dangerous, or just frustrating -- yet where it is urgently needed? Where are the places in my community where the Gospel needs to be, because they are the crossroads points? (Starbucks, schools, soccer fields, gyms, and shopping malls all comes to mind.) Perhaps just as important, where are the places in my life and world where it is particularly important to maintain the witness, though it is tough and maybe seems like an exercise in futility, or self-immolation?

Lord, give me the staying power to be your witness in my life and world, wherever you put me. Remind me that each place is strategic in its own way, and help me to live worthily of the charge that you give me. Forgive my desire for flight or easier venues of service. Let me look to you, and be faithful to those who depend on me; remembering that sometimes, as with Paul and Timothy, those on whom I think I depend are also truly counting on my service as well. In the Name of Christ. Amen.

Prince Frederick, Maryland (Providence)

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