Monday, March 4, 2013



To Their Eminences, the College of Cardinals in Holy Conclave:

Brothers and fathers in Christ,

You will not read this blog post. First, because you are not able when sequestered in conclave, and secondly because I'm neither important enough nor in the right circles of orbit to have an opinion which registers as mattering on anyone's radar. Yet I have some thoughts upon the subject, and so will opine.

I am startled to find that the election of a successor to the Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI, matters more to me as a Protestant Christian than I would have thought possible. Perhaps this is because the Bishop of Rome, at his best, is a leader of stature across all Christian traditions and connections. Perhaps it is because among all the world leaders of Christianity, he is the most visible. Or perhaps it is because I dare to believe that the future of the influence of the Roman communion can be, on a geopolitical level, better than it too often has been in the past. Because we must be able to communicate well with those of other, even antithetical, religious traditions. Because I know too many American Catholics who are frustrated with their church for a variety of reasons, yet continue to seek solace from her as a mother. Or maybe it's because I also am foolish enough to possess the temerity to think that maybe, just maybe, in a 100-year period that has already seen two popes of once-in-500-year stature (John XXIII and John Paul II), there might be a third.

In the end, I cannot say that I'm fully in touch with all the reasons that this election matters to me. But it does.

Pope Benedict's break with tradition, being the first pope in several hundred years to resign, seems to me to be a hopeful thing, and not a cause for distress. He saves himself, the church, and the world the spectacle of a doddering, kindly but inept, pontiff hanging on until the last while everyone keeps watch for his demise and potential successors jockey for position. The surprise resignation creates a sudden vacuum where there is something of a small crisis, and some creativity is called for and there's a moment of freedom without precommitments, at least one hopes. (Incidentally, the media is wrong about this being the first time there will be two living popes at the same time. This happened from time to time in the Middle Ages and early modern period during the Avignon papacy or "Babylonian captivity of the Church". Sometimes there were even three: an Avignese, a Roman, and a Pisan pope. The difference will be that both will be recognized in some fashion as pope by the whole church.)

I hope fervently that the new pontiff will be from the Third World. It is a global connection, the Roman Church; and it is growing most rapidly and apparently healthfully in Africa and Latin America. While it would be gratifying for me as an American to see a North American installed, and proud as a United States-er to see one from my country (i.e., Sean Patrick O'Malley of Boston, Timothy Dolan of New York, or even Marc Ouellet of Quebec), I think there are too many reasons not to select someone from this continent. There is too much power concentrated here already for it to be good for a major communion's supreme leader to be picked from here. And there would be pressure for certain kinds of "progressive" policies to be made, which may not be in the pastoral interest of large portions of the world.

But a pontiff from a land where there is much more poverty and powerlessness would speak volumes about the work and mission of the Church. And a person of color would add icing to that cake. Odilo Pedro Scherer of Sao Paolo (he even has the right name, "Peter"), Leonardo Sandri of Buenos Aires, Robert Sarah of Conakry, Luis Tagle of Manila (at 55 very young for a candidate), Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga of Tegucigalpa (from the second-poorest country in this hemisphere), or Albert Don of Colombo (from one of the poorest in the world), would be wonderful picks, just to name a few of the possibilities. And these, from more conservative archdioceses, could as needed make the case for reform with greater persuasiveness where appropriate, than a European and definitely than an American. And Laurent Pasinya (D.R. Congo) has credentials as a peacemaker which are impressive. (At 73, he is one of the older candidates; yet the elevation of the aging Bishop Angelo Roncalli as John XXIII should give us pause about dismissing him out of hand.)

I would also hope that the new pontiff might do something substantive to help heal the rift between East and West which has essentially prevailed since 1054, as well as the western rift with Protestantism. This would be huge.

There are irreconcilable differences between some religious traditions, based on beliefs if not ethics. However, it is imperative in any age -- and especially in ours -- that global religious leaders be humanitarians who have a basic love for all of God's human children. John XXIII, Paul VI, and John Paul II all embodied this. My hope would be that the next pontiff will do the same.

To borrow from the old Anthony Quinn movie, he stands "in the shoes of the fisherman". May Peter's next successor have something of the first Peter's dash and daring, to do the Lord's work is risky and creative ways. The world needs that. Whether one is Roman Catholic, Protestant, or something altogether other.

(Prince Frederick, Maryland)


This article also appeared in the UM Connection and on the Baltimore-Washington Conference website.

During his opening conversations with our conference, Bishop Matthews offered an encouragement and a challenge: that each United Methodist bring one other person to Christ. In a normal universe, this goal would be terribly modest. Instead for many, it’s just terrifying. For lots of folks in our pews, ministries, and small groups, evangelism has become “the ‘e’ word” – a subject we’d prefer to avoid, and for heaven’s sakes if you find yourself doing it be sure to wash your hands after and don’t bring it up in polite company. I tried fixing the “e” word by dropping the “e” (see the title) but ended up with “vangelism”, and that sounds like “vandalism”, which is another way we seem to look at it: something inflicted by Christians on unsuspecting pagans and seekers, rabbit-punching them with the Bible or a tract when they’re off-guard.

Once I heard someone say, and with no sense of irony, “We’re just not an evangelistic church.” That’s like saying, “It’s not a leafing tree”, “these salmon don’t spawn”, “our army never shoots”, or “in this league, we don’t actually swing the bat”. (Or to use Jesus’ example: “tasteless salt”.) It’s a contradiction – but to the extent it’s true, defeat and death are the result. Or maybe, just maybe, the problem isn’t the word, but what we’ve made of it (perhaps let other people make of it) in our heads?

What is it, then? Well, maybe evangelism is like ...

A Hot Tip. There’s an old saying that evangelism is one beggar showing another where to find bread. That’s true – but it’s more persuasive if you are hungry and love bread yourself. Stale saltines will provide needed calories, but I’d much rather be offered a sticky bear claw, still warm from the baker’s oven. The difference is between information and inspiration. A few years back, my personal time-management system was collapsing under the load it had to bear. Then I found a system that actually worked – and I was so excited I couldn’t stop talking about it. (I should have been on commission: I know I sold a bunch of books for that author!) Then I realized, “Omigosh, this is what our witness as Christians is supposed to be like.” When you move into a new town, you search for the best garage and doctor; but we have the greatest Life-Mechanic and Physician of souls to refer to people! This is called “contact evangelism”, and a wonderful resource is still Becky Pippert’s Out of the Saltshaker and Into the World.

A Pair of Tix. The Orioles. Maryland football. The National Symphony Orchestra. The Bolshoi Ballet. The National Prayer Breakfast. The Naval Academy Choir. These are all examples of things I might never have gotten into on my own, but someone gave me tickets, or made them available to buy when scarce. And when I’ve got great, hard-to-get seats I can’t use, I don’t waste them if I can get someone to use them. We have the hottest news ever, the best admission in the universe – and we don’t lose our place when we give it away to someone else! A good resource is Becoming a Contagious Christian.

A Last-minute Sitter. If you’re a parent, you know that cold grip of panic which seizes you on the night of a long-planned commitment with your spouse when the sitter calls, saying, “I have an exam / sick aunt / pink eye and just can’t make it tonight.” And what a gift it is when a dear soul covers so you can still go out. People all around us live lives filled with needs, each of which is an opportunity to connect out of love for Christ. Some needs are everyday, like the wallpaper of life; others are acute. All are occasions for grace to work ... but we have to know what and how, that’s our job. Robert Pierson’s terrific little book, Needs-Based Evangelism can get you started here.

A Drink at the Bar. Yes, yes, I know: we Methodist types don’t do that. (Puh-lease.) But here’s the deal: at the bar (so they tell me) you can be yourself with your troubles and issues, and say what you like and need to, just so long as you don’t start a fight. Evangelism is about letting people be exactly who they are, and loving them into the Kingdom. This is one reason why the Alpha Course has been so successful (if you don’t know about it, find out!): invite people over, feed them, share a message, then let them respond however they need to with no preconditions or judgments. It’s powerful ... and mostly impossible to find in our world. On top of this, the Church should be like the watering hole in the old sitcom Cheers: “where everyone knows your name”. All of us are misfits in some way: the Church should be where we don’t have to be made to fit, because God says we already do.

First Down. In the runup to Christmas, I had the chance to do some seasonal work for a Christian-based company. It was a great opportunity! This store encourages child sponsorships through a major mission; but not everyone is able to do that, so it offers an easier alternative that will also support the organization’s goal of helping the world’s neediest. If a customer can’t afford $35/month, they might spring $5 one time. There’s a lesson here. In football, each play may not yield a goal, but moving the ball gradually downfield will get the team there. In the life of a person, we may love her or him just one significant step – or just one tiny nudge -- closer to Christ, but that’s okay. Each step, each nudge, is important.

Inking the Deal. In sales, they say, “ABC”: “Always Be Closing”. The prospect may love the vacuum cleaner (encyclopedias, pots and pans ... fill in the blank) but until the deal is closed and the sale executed, they remain prospects and not customers. A salesperson would be fired who was always pointing people to the showroom, praising all the features of the car, and rhapsodizing about the beauty of touring in an automobile ... but never actually sells one. I’ve found that when a person is really ready to give their life to Christ, they drop like ripe fruit into God’s basket – but they need someone to show them the way, to give that gentle tug. (You may end up saying with surprise, as I have, “You do? You mean it?! You’re serious — you want to become a Christian?! Wow!”) But without the invitation, they may never actually cross the threshhold.

A Warm Puppy. OK, well maybe that’s pushing it. But maybe not: I’ve noticed that when my friend’s shih-tzu climbs in my lap, all warm and loving, I don’t want to disturb her by getting up – and she doesn’t want to move, either. I’ve also noticed that when I’m lifting up people who need to meet Jesus, the punch-list quality that can creep into my prayers goes away, and I am stilled and content and dwell longer in the Lord’s lap (so to speak). Prayer is the first step to witnessing the Gospel, and the middle, and the last, too. And it will deepen your own connection to God. A great preacher was said to have had a list of 100 people he was praying to meet Christ. By the time he died, 96 had; the other 4 did at his funeral. A Russian pastor told me before her young people’s camp that 5 of the 40 children were believers; by the time my group visited three weeks later, 38 were. It’s prayer that turns this key.

You may have noticed that I haven’t said anything at all about two things in particular: converting people, and church growth. That’s because it’s the Holy Spirit who changes hearts (converts), not us. And (I know this is heresy) growing churches, like growing corn or cows, is something that Christ makes happen. Our job is to love people into Christ’s presence, introduce them to the Lord, and make sure we’re tilling the soil and setting the stage so that growth isn’t hindered. But the disciple’s call is to give himself / herself away for love of Jesus Christ.

Let’s take up our bishop’s challenge and “each one bring one to Christ” ... let’s commit (to) ‘vangelism!

Charles L. Harrell

Prince Frederick, Maryland (Providence)
22 Jan 2013

Sunday, March 3, 2013

"Of Whom I Am the Foremost"

THE PARADOX OF CONVICTION: 1 Timothy 1:15 (part 2)

King of sinners though I be,
Jesus shed his blood for me.

Paul writes that Jesus came to save sinners, calling himself the foremost of them. How can he, the great apostle to the Gentiles, say such a thing?

We cannot see the heart of another person; only God can do that. It is amazing, however, how those who seem to be closest to the Lord, have the keenest sense of their own distance from the holiness of the Divine Presence.

So the great bishop and theologian Gregory of Nyssa described the approach to God, using the imagery of Moses' ascent onto Mt. Sinai, and the impossibility of closing the gap to comprehend the Divine. And Augustine of Hippo in his Confessions writes of his conviction of sin, and the ongoing need for grace.

So Teresa of Avila writes in her Interior Castle of the human heart as a palace or castle made up of rooms or levels -- yet as the soul makes its ascent into higher and higher levels, it also becomes more pained by, and acutely aware of, its sin.

C.S. Lewis wrote that the person in grace has a clear sense of good and evil, understanding both, where the one who is deep in sin understands neither. At the same time, though, our feelings betray us -- for when we feel holiest we are often complacent or blind to our flaws and failings. (Once I knew someone who was outwardly very righteous but complained that she did not understand the need for prayers of confession, because she didn't think she had anything to confess. Though I admired her uprightness, I remember being concerned about the state of her soul because of this evident blind spot.) It is, paradoxically, when we feel farthest from God because of our shortcomings, that we may actually be closest because we are clinging most closely to Him.

Paul was acutely aware of his shortcomings, and his checkered history with the people of God. I suspect that he carried this about with him, and needed a fresh measure of grace on nearly a daily basis. May God give us like conviction ... and assurance ... and the growth which comes as a result.

Lord, grant me the keen sense of conviction for sin, that I may also know the amazing balm of your grace. Draw me close to you; never let me go. Amen.

(Prince Frederick, Maryland)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Trustworthy Sayings

Why We Should Accept What Christ Says (1 Timothy 1:15)

The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.

Trustworthy, reliable testimony: it’s one of the greatest needs in any society. It may also be among the most problematic.

It’s a problem in society. In business, politics, charities, even religion: we are almost daily confronted with allegations or evidence of malfeasance and the effort to cover it over. Or, conversely, people say what others want to hear (or what they think others want to hear) without clear regard for the validity or truth of that statement. Then, later, disappointment and disillusionment set in, followed by cynicism about all authority.

It’s a problem among people. A few years back, it was the fad to say, “I lied!” – even when making a mistake. The casual nature of interpersonal dishonesty in our time gives every serious person pause. Dishonesty has a corrosive effect at every level.

It’s a problem of ultimate questions. As we consider the issues of God, destiny, truth, beauty, love – in short, all the great questions, how can we find a solid base on which to build our lives and our beliefs?

Paul writes to Timothy that “the saying is trustworthy”. Why is it trustworthy?

1. It is from God. It is not based merely on human authority. And we know from Scripture and experience that God’s character is just, loving, and good.

2. It is tested by experience. Those who have experienced the forgiveness, grace, and faithfulness of Christ, especially in the most difficult circumstances, attest readily to its verity and strength.

3. It is reasonable. Those who attack Christianity, even theism generally, have to give an account of the source of goodness. This, I find, they singularly fail to do convincingly. Yet it must come from somewhere beyond merely “enlightened self-interest” and cultural consensus. A God who redeems His creation is in keeping with the character of a God who creates the world, moreover an orderly world.

Lord, your testimonies are reasonable, just, and true. Let me be grounded in them, and lead others to confidence in your goodness and faithfulness. Amen.

(Prince Frederick, Maryland)