Friday, March 1, 2013

Trustworthy Sayings

Why We Should Accept What Christ Says (1 Timothy 1:15)

The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.

Trustworthy, reliable testimony: it’s one of the greatest needs in any society. It may also be among the most problematic.

It’s a problem in society. In business, politics, charities, even religion: we are almost daily confronted with allegations or evidence of malfeasance and the effort to cover it over. Or, conversely, people say what others want to hear (or what they think others want to hear) without clear regard for the validity or truth of that statement. Then, later, disappointment and disillusionment set in, followed by cynicism about all authority.

It’s a problem among people. A few years back, it was the fad to say, “I lied!” – even when making a mistake. The casual nature of interpersonal dishonesty in our time gives every serious person pause. Dishonesty has a corrosive effect at every level.

It’s a problem of ultimate questions. As we consider the issues of God, destiny, truth, beauty, love – in short, all the great questions, how can we find a solid base on which to build our lives and our beliefs?

Paul writes to Timothy that “the saying is trustworthy”. Why is it trustworthy?

1. It is from God. It is not based merely on human authority. And we know from Scripture and experience that God’s character is just, loving, and good.

2. It is tested by experience. Those who have experienced the forgiveness, grace, and faithfulness of Christ, especially in the most difficult circumstances, attest readily to its verity and strength.

3. It is reasonable. Those who attack Christianity, even theism generally, have to give an account of the source of goodness. This, I find, they singularly fail to do convincingly. Yet it must come from somewhere beyond merely “enlightened self-interest” and cultural consensus. A God who redeems His creation is in keeping with the character of a God who creates the world, moreover an orderly world.

Lord, your testimonies are reasonable, just, and true. Let me be grounded in them, and lead others to confidence in your goodness and faithfulness. Amen.

(Prince Frederick, Maryland)

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